Ibiza participates with relics from the Punic period: exhibition in the Colosseum in Rome

The Archaeological Museum of Ibiza and Formentera (MAEF) is participating in an exhibition about Carthage in the Colosseum in Rome.

27 pieces from Ibiza from the Punic period are showcased in the exhibition “Carthage, the Immortal Myth”.

Along with participating museums from other cities across the Mediterranean, from Lebanon to Cartagena, Tunisia, Sardinia, Sicily, Madrid and Barcelona.

The exhibition is organized by the Archaeological Department of the Colosseum, which brings together an extraordinary collection of more than 400 archaeological pieces. They show relics of one of the most powerful and fascinating civilizations of antiquity.

What does the exhibition include?

The MAEF selection includes terracotta figures from the Puig des Molins necropolis and the sanctuaries of s’Illa Plana and Es Culleram, jars for ointments and necklaces, decorated ostrich eggshells and gold jewelry. The exhibition runs until March 29 on the first floor of the Colosseum, on the imperial ramp and in the Romulus Temple. With an average of 30,000 visitors a day, the ancient building in Rome is one of the most visited cultural sites in the world.

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