Sensors, cameras and antennas: Ibiza becomes “Smart Island”

An ambitious project by Vodafone, Kapsch and the Consell will start this summer: Ibiza is to be transformed into a “Smart Island”. That is the aim of an initiative that runs under the motto “Intelligent and sustainable tourism”.
Various facilities and innovations are to be implemented as part of the project in Ibiza in order to make the island “more attractive, sustainable and safer for its citizens and tourists”.
The responsibles, who are part of the “Smart Cities” platform, are made up of representatives from the telecommunications company Vodafone, Kapsch Ibiza and the Consell Insular. They stated at a press conference that the project aims to promote innovation “based on information and communication technologies” and provide “technological solutions to connect citizens and resources”. 16 information displays at bus stops, the monitoring of nine public parking lots and the installation of 250 sensors “to control the air quality” are to be implemented as part of the project.
The installation of four cameras for the prevention and early detection of fires and the placement of five buoys to analyze the water quality are also part of the new digital offensive.